What Are Partial Hospitalization Programs?

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) are outpatient treatment programs for substance addiction. They provide a higher level of care than IOP programs but are less intensive than inpatient residential treatment programs.  

Like residential treatment, partial hospitalization programs require commitment. You’ll meet with your treatment team 5-6 hours per day, most days of the week.

But unlike residential treatment, you won’t be monitored around the clock, and you can live at home. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to continue working and meeting outside responsibilities.

Our Delray Beach PHP programs are ideal for people with moderately severe addictions or a history of relapse. They’re also a good choice for people with co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. Our PHP program gives you greater access to our medical team, who will closely monitor your progress and adjust your treatment as needed.

Benefits of Partial Hospitalization

Going straight from inpatient residential treatment—which provides 24/7 care—to an outpatient program isn’t right for everyone. It’s easy to fall back into old habits. PHP therapy provides the structure many people need to avoid this trap.

Partial hospitalization is often the best choice for people who don’t feel stable enough for an outpatient program or who don’t have the option of transitioning into a sober living community.

PHP Treatment at Delray Beach IOP

Delray Beach IOP offers one of the best PHP treatment programs in South Florida—an area known for its robust recovery community and sunny beaches.

Routine is vital in the first months of recovery, especially if you’re still experiencing strong cravings or having withdrawal symptoms. In our PHP program you’ll attend therapy sessions and other activities for 5-6 hours per day, most days of the week.

Our team will create a personalized plan with specialized therapies suited to your background, preferences, and recovery goals.

Foundations of our PHP program include:

  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Family therapy
  • Medical supervision
  • Holistic therapies, such as yoga, art therapy, and equine-assisted therapy

We also offer many specialty services, including gender-specific therapy and therapy groups for LGBTQ adults, older adults, and veterans.

Our team of licensed therapists and addiction counselors are trained in evidence-based therapeutic techniques, including cognitive behavioral, therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and EMDR. These therapies help clients work through past trauma and address unhelpful thought patterns that often contribute to addiction behaviors.

Our Delray Beach, FL Facilities and Amenities

We’ve thoughtfully designed our clinical and administrative offices to create a welcoming atmosphere that allows you to focus on recovery. These vibrant spaces are the optimal setting to connect with others and begin your journey of healing.

As a Delray Beach IOP client, you’ll also have access to our ranch, which boasts more than eight acres of beautiful outdoor space. We encourage our clients to connect with nature, which can further open the door to healing. Clients at the ranch can participate in team-building exercises, equine-assisted therapy, outdoor adventures, and many other activities.  

Ready to get well? If you or a loved one is struggling with substance addiction, we want to help.

Contact us to learn more about our treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction and for a tour of our Delray Beach treatment center.