Addiction is a complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and overcoming it can be a challenging and daunting process. Fortunately, Specialized Addiction Treatment Programs Delray Beach Florida can help individuals achieve long-lasting recovery and regain control of their lives. When searching for Addiction Treatment Centers Near Me, it’s essential to look for specialized […]

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What Causes Substance Abuse

  • Rhea Rosier
  • February 14, 2022
  • 6 min read

Substance use disorder, sometimes erroneously referred to as substance abuse disorder, is among the most serious of mental health disorders. According to the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, this complex disease is defined by intense urges to engage in alcohol or illicit drug use despite the fact that […]

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IOP Alcohol Treatment

  • Rhea Rosier
  • February 14, 2022
  • 7 min read

Types Of Substance Abuse Treatment Substance abuse disorder is a serious mental illness characterized by an inability to control one’s drug and alcohol use. Untreated substance addiction can interfere with an individual’s ability to care for themselves and to lead a productive, healthy life as well as lead to irreversible health consequences or even death. […]

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IOP Drug Treatment Programs

  • Rhea Rosier
  • February 14, 2022
  • 8 min read

What Is An Intensive Outpatient Program? If you are new to the world of substance abuse but are currently considering seeking addiction treatment for yourself or one of your family members, you may be be hearing for the first time about something called intensive outpatient programs. While residential treatment programs, which require patients to stay […]

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Dealing with a loved one’s addiction is never easy. Family members of someone with an addiction often have the difficult task of convincing their family member to seek treatment for their addictive behavior, a process that can be incredibly difficult because the person struggling may be reluctant to accept that help. However, though substance use […]

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Assessing Effectiveness in Delray Beach, FL Treatment Centers Finding a Delray Beach, Florida rehab dedicated to to offering the best addiction treatment services possible isn’t always easy. Though drug or alcohol addiction treatment programs are incredibly abundant in the area, seeking treatment should also involve thorough research into any substance abuse treatment facility you may […]

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The Importance Of A Support System In Addiction Treatment

  • Rhea Rosier
  • December 20, 2021
  • 4 min read

One of the reasons that our intensive treatment program takes the Twelve Steps as one of its foundational aspects is because there is so much empirical evidence for the utility of twelve step support groups to aid in recovery. Membership in Alcoholics Anonymous has been shown by multiple studies to be more effective than formal […]

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5 Signs It May Be Time For Addiction Treatment

  • Rhea Rosier
  • December 19, 2021
  • 6 min read

The decision to seek intensive treatment for a substance abuse problem is not often an easy one to make, due to factors like the social stigma that surrounds addiction, the internal sense of guilt and shame that can come with addiction issues, and practical and financial considerations that can make committing to a treatment program […]

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Why We Use The Twelve Steps In Addiction Recovery

  • Rhea Rosier
  • December 6, 2021
  • 3 min read

What Are The “Twelve Steps?” One of the oldest, most respected, and most tried and true approaches to addiction recovery are the Twelve Steps, which we use as a central tenet of our treatment program here at Delray Beach IOP.  The twelve steps originated in 1935, when they were developed and codified in the “Big […]

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Why Is Heroin So Addictive?

  • Rhea Rosier
  • November 20, 2021
  • 3 min read

Heroin is a powerful drug that is known as one of the most addictive substances in the United States. Why is it so addictive, and what’s the next step if a person thinks they may be developing a heroin addiction? Read on for the answers to these questions. Where Does Heroin Come From? Many who […]

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